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Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code 1860, often referred to as India's "Sedition Law," is the subject of much debate and discussion in the country today. The law's origins may be traced back to the colonial era, when the country's political and administrative overlords enacted it to quell any potential revolt. The rule of law persists long after independence has been achieved. The contentious Sedition Law is the primary topic of this research project. How it may be used in the present day.

The public is sharply split about this issue. Some argue that the legislation is necessary because of the country's existing social and political context and its two hostile neighbours. Others, however, argue that the regulation is in direct opposition to the right to free expression since it is a vestige of colonial rule. Many critics say the regulation has a chilling impact on Indian people. This article will examine the Sedition Law, using precedents and examples to draw conclusions on whether the law will be relevant in the post-independence age or if it should be repealed in order to increase the latitude for free speech in the country.